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Learn How to Make a Clap Switch with this Mini Project PDF Free Download

This sensor can detect sound and outputs both a analog signal as well as a digital signal that can be used to for example create a clap on/clap off light switch. This sensor is very useful with the relay module.

clap switch mini project pdf free download

Helpful to say the least, even now when the manufacturer has changed, it appears that the only change has been the part numbers, that said, the photos do a nice job of letting one find the proper code for the proper sensor. When saving, I renamed the files to match the listed name so the confusing code names are gone and I can go through without trying to figure out the sensor by the code. It does work for the ones with comments intact but some are simply code with no idea what they are for if you don't rename them on download, that is if you want a complete collection in storage. I have yet to try them all, but that will be today's project.

So, there needs to be a way to differentiate between a clap and everything else. You can do that by analyzing the sound waves that a clap gives off and then telling the microphone in the light switch to look out for those types of waves.

To make a fountain as a physics project, you require plastic containers, wooden blocks, vinyl tubing, water pump, power supply, drill machine, pebbles, stones, miniature plants, cutter, and glue. Form the base of the fountain as per your choice with the help of wooden blocks. Drill a hole at the base of one of the plastic containers and another hole on the side of the other plastic container. Pass the vinyl tubing through both holes. Glue the tube around the joints and holes. Place the containers into the wooden structure of the fountain in such a way that one of the containers is present at a height more as compared to the other container. Make a hole on the front side of the container present above the base container. Attach a small water pump at the end of the tube and connect it to the power supply. Decorate the structure with the help of pebbles, stones, paint, miniature plants, etc. Pour water into the containers and observe the water flowing just like a fountain in a miniature pond. This project would help the users understand the flow of fluids, the working of a water pump, potential energy, and kinetic energy.

To make an electromagnet, you require a battery, an iron nail, a switch, and insulated copper wire. Firstly, take the insulated copper wire and wrap it over the iron nail. Remove the insulation coating of the wire from both ends. Connect one terminal of the switch to one end of the copper wire. Connect a battery between the free ends of the wire and the switch. Now, if you push the switch and move the nail near ferromagnetic materials, the object gets attracted and stick to the nail. The user can learn a lot about electric current, magnetism, magnetic field, ferromagnetic, paramagnetic, and diamagnetic material, etc., with the help of this particular physics project.

Clap switch has a basic operation of turning on and off the working of certain gadgets such as the luminance of a light bulb on hearing a clap sound. It typically consists of an assembly of electronic components such as IC- LM555, a battery, battery holder, resistors, transistors, capacitors, microphone, and a light-emitting diode. The tools required for the construction include solder wire, soldering iron, printed circuit board, tweezers, and connecting wires. To begin with, assemble and connect all the components as per the circuit diagram. Use a jumper wire to connect pin number 4 of the LM555 IC to pin number 8. Similarly, connect the positive terminal of the 10 microfarad capacitor to pin 6 and 7 and the negative terminal to pin1 of the IC. The next step is to connect a 100 k ohm resistor between the positive pin of the capacitor and pin 8 of the IC. Make the connections of the transistor pins with the IC such that the emitter pin of the transistor is connected to pin 1 of the IC and the collector pin is connected to pin 2. Complete the rest of the circuit by connecting the battery and microphone. Test the working of the project. This helps the user to know about the basic operation of electronic components, flow of electric current, voltage drop, etc.

A gas leakage detector is an expensive gadget available in the market that can be constructed at home easily with the help of basic electronic components. The components used in this particular project include a voltage regulator IC, a dual comparator IC, rectifier diodes, NPN transistor, resistors, pot, electrolyte capacitors, transformer, buzzer, LPG sensor, LCD display, and a two-pin connector terminal. The first step to making this particular project is to download the component layout and place it on the printed circuit board. Now, attach the components according to the layout. Use solder wire to fix the components in place. Make the circuit tracks properly and cut off the extra wires and terminals of the components. Make sure the circuit is as compact as possible. Place the project in the desired location and use a broken gas lighter to test the work. By making a gas leakage detector, the user would have a better understanding of the sensors, buzzers, and other electronic components.

A light tracking robot typically follows the light radiation and moves in its direction. To make such a robotic vehicle, you require two wheels, one castor wheel, robotic vehicle chassis, light-dependent resistors, motor, soldering iron, soldering wire, glue gun, PCB, screws, and screwdriver. The first step to building a light-seeking robot is to assemble the electronic components on the printed circuit board as per the circuit diagram. The positive terminal of the battery is connected to one side of each of the light-dependent resistors. The leisure ends of the light-dependent resistors are connected to the motors. The leisure or the free terminals of the motors are connected to the negative terminal of the battery. Assemble the printed circuit board to the vehicle chassis. Fix the wheels to the motor shafts. Attach a castor wheel to the middle of the chassis to add balance to the structure of the robotic vehicle. Use a flashlight to test the working of the light-seeking robot. This particular project helps the user know about various electronic components, circuit connections, functioning of motor, and the working of light-dependent resistors.

A surprise glitter package is a common physics project that one can easily make with the help of a motor, a battery, battery holder, cardboard box, alligator clips, glitter, glue, tape, limit switch, craft paper, and a pair of scissors. First of all, connect the battery to the motor by either twisting the wires together or with the help of alligator clips. For the basic operation of the surprise glitter box, a limit switch, also known as the lever switch, is used. A limit switch typically consists of three terminals, two of which form a connection that is normally open if the switch is pressed and gets closed when the lever is not pressed. The limit switch is required to be placed inside the box carefully in such a way that the lever is depressed when the box is closed to make sure that the motor does not work until the box opens. Now, take a piece of craft paper and cut it into the shape of a circle. Make a cut along the radius of the circle and fold it into a conical shape. Attach four paper cut-outs shaped like a rectangle folded at 90 degrees inside the cone at equal distances. Finally, fix the paper cone to the motor shaft with the help of a hot glue gun. Place the motor inside the cardboard box at an appropriate height. Pour glitter into the paper cone and close the lid. This particular project would help the user understand the functioning of the motor, working of a limit switch, rotatory motion, and various other concepts.

A working windmill model is a common physics project that one can build with the help of easily available equipment such as cardboard, thermocol, glue, a pair of scissors, a motor, a battery, and a battery holder. The first step to making the working model of the windmill is to make the base structure of the windmill. For this purpose, fold the cardboard sheet in the shape of a cone and stick it on the top of thermocol sheet. Make sure the cone is properly glued and does not move. Now, make the wings of the windmill. Cut out four equal-sized wings from the cardboard sheet and pin them together on a small circular cardboard cut-out. Drill a small hole on the top of the cone along the curved surface a few centimetres below the top point. Connect the battery holder wires to the wires of the motor. Fix this arrangement of motor and battery holder on the conical base in such a way that the motor shaft easily passes through the hole. Glue the fan of the windmill to the shaft of the motor. Make sure the motor shaft and the fans rotate smoothly. Attach the battery and observe the working of the model. Decorate the surroundings of the model appropriately by placing the miniature cardboard models of objects present in a real windmill farm. This physics project allows the user to easily demonstrate the working of a windmill, generation of energy, working of motors, conduction of current, and transfer of energy.

An automatic street light glows when a vehicle is present nearby, and it shuts down when there is no traffic. The essential electronic components to form an automatic street light model include a transistor, LEDs, LDR, resistor, printed circuit board, battery holder, switch, and battery. The tools required for the construction include solder iron, solder wire, and wire stripper. First of all, solder the transistors onto the printed circuit board. Connect the emitter pin of both the transistors to the negative terminal of the battery holder. Now, connect the collector pin of transistor-1 to the base pin of transistor-2. Connect a resistor between the positive terminal of the battery and the collector pin of transistor-1. Finally, connect the light-dependent resistor between the base pin of transistor-1 and the positive terminal of the battery clip. Complete the rest of the circuit as per the circuit diagram. Connect a resistor between the base pin of transistor-1 and the negative terminal of the battery. Now, connect another resistor between the positive terminal of the battery and the anode pin of the LED. Finally, connect the cathode terminal of LED to the collector pin of transistor-2. Attach the circuit to a model of a street in such a way that the LDR has enough exposure and the LEDs are fixed in place. Verify the working of the project. It helps the user understand the working of light-dependent resistors, circuit connections, voltage drop, and the operation of the transistor as a switch. 2ff7e9595c

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